Friday, September 9, 2011

My Love note to T.V.

In the Gilbert household we love TV... at an almost unhealthy level. If we ever have kids, it will definitely be a hard habit to break:/ But, we cannot have our kids watching it as much as we do! DVR is my best friend...I literally get excited on certain nights just because specific shows are on! LOL! Like I mentioned....weird obsession! One thing I have to give ourselves props on is not having a TV in our bedroom. I read once in college random statistics on how TV's in the bedroom can: cause abnormal sleep habits, have a powerful impact on taking away communication between couples, and how people who have TV's in the bedroom tend to not read as much. Well, reading is a VERY close second to TV for me so this article made me think. When I got married I wanted my bedroom to be a sanctuary. I am proud that Adam and I have stuck to it!

So, our nights consist of sitting on the couch, throwing the ball for the dogs, snacking, and watching the boob tube! Thankfully, Adam can "stand" most of the shows I watch so we can hang out together, watch, and laugh (or make fun of and comment on the unorginality and fakeness- if you're Adam). Right now our FAVORITE show is Rosanne's Nuts on the Lifetime channel. OMG....what can I say! Automatically, I fell in love with her feelings and realizations of how shallow and vain the LA entertainment industry can be and how we as American need to stop being so materialistic and get back to the basics of life. She wanted to find herself, so she moved to Hawaii and bought a nut farm. She lives off the land, works on her land, and yells at everyone! If you have not watched it yet, you HAVE TO! It is HILARIOUS! She goes from 0-10 in 4 seconds and I can totally relate! I love how she has no problem cussing any poor soul out and then four seconds later smiling and chatting with her victim! She's brilliant, powerful, matter-of-fact, and has gusto. All things you don't find in many human beings any more. I envy her so much... she gets to say how she feels to anyone she meets and in any way that she pleases! She doesn't sugar coat or walk on eggshells...what a life:) One day when there's no business, no boss, no parents, no worry about judgments...I want to be just like that:) I don't want to worry about saying the "appropriate" or ...if I have to use this saying (I can't stand it).."politically correct" thing. I just want to be able to say it like it is! Oh well.... these days I'm working on my tact and holding in my feelings...but a girl can dream!

In the mean time...We'll just keep on watching Rosanne and laughing our asses off!!! Enjoy the clip above!


  1. I think you should say how you feel :) I know that I will REALLY struggle with this when I become a teacher. I can already feel myself biting my tongue. I think with you tho even if you say something horrible it will sound so happy and animated the person wont realize you just told them off :)

  2. Hahaha! You would think....but no, I can be mean and it is sometimes by accident....sometimes! You have way more guts than me:) Plus I get the "Oh she's so young." and "She doesn't know because she doesnt have kids of her own." You'll do fine in that area:)
